Easy To Grow Bloomers Are Best Indoor Plants For Beginners

Easy To Grow Bloomers Are Best Indoor Plants For Beginners

If you’re new to houseplants (at least the blooming sort), these easy-to-grow indoor plants offer visual appeal while being simple enough for a novice to care for. We chose plants that require the least amount of maintenance and can withstand the greatest errors and neglect while still looking appealing. Consider your home’s surroundings, such as light, humidity, window placement, temperature, and so on. As a result, you’ll be able to select the best blooming indoor plant for you. 

The following are some of the best indoor flowers for beginners: 

African Violet: 

African Violet is a beautiful indoor flower that is native to Africa’s coastal forests. If given enough light and humidity, it thrives. It doesn’t require much attention from you once it’s in the appropriate spot to blossom. Regular watering to keep the soil wet is required, as is fertilizing once a month with a high-quality fertilizer. They require strong, indirect light to thrive. You can place it in a sunny east or west-facing window or put it under artificial lights for approximately 14 to 16 hours per day; these blooms require moist, but not damp, soil. Never let the soil dry entirely. Water is needed to keep the soil wet and fertilize once every four to six weeks with a high-phosphorus 15-30-15 fertilizer to increase blooms. If you want to gift flowering indoor plants to someone far away from you so you can send flowers to Kolkata


Begonias are low-maintenance houseplants that come in a variety of types. Many of them can survive in low-light environments and are rarely harmed by pests or disease. Begonias provide stunning blooms with little effort and gorgeous foliage when they aren’t in bloom if they have enough humidity and light. Watering once the soil dries out, spraying daily to increase humidity, and feeding regularly during active growth are all part of the upkeep. They require different types of light to thrive, but in general, strong, indirect light. The foliage will be burned if exposed to too much sunlight; they require damp soil, but not soggy soil. Allow some time so that the soil gets dry between waterings before extensively watering. Allowing plants to sit in water is not a good idea. During active growth, they require half-strength Balanced fertilizer administered every other watering. While the plant is dormant, do not feed it. 


Pelargonium sp., also known as geraniums, are ideal for starting indoor plants and also make a good choice for online flower delivery in Chandigarh. With proper care and enough light, they’re easy to cultivate and will flower consistently throughout the year. There are various cultivars to choose from, and they can be found in hanging baskets or pots. If you don’t have a humidifier and you need something less tropical, geraniums are an excellent choice. Watering should only be done when the soil is mostly dry, and feeding should be done twice a month during the growing season. Geraniums take the least amount of care of any of the plants on our list. They require intense light to thrive. The ideal windows are those that face south or west, especially in the winter. If you can’t get enough natural light, use artificial light to make up for it. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings and only water as needed. Check to ensure if the soil is dry to a depth of 4 to 6 inches before extensively watering. From March to October, fertilize it twice a month using a balanced or high-phosphorus water-soluble fertilizer every two weeks. 

Peace Lily: 

Peace lily (Spathiphyllum), a low-light mainstay, is one of the easiest flowers to cultivate indoors. It’s even been dubbed the “ideal houseplant” because of how easy it is to care for and how beautiful it is. The huge white bloom has a white outer shell and a spadix, which is the inside white flower stem. If you neglect to water your peace flower, it will forgive you. With some indirect light and high humidity, it will grow. Putting water to keep the soil moist, feeding once/twice a year when fresh blooms grow, and removing wasted flowers and leaves that have turned yellow with age are all part of the maintenance. They require bright, indirect, or filtered light to thrive. It can withstand low light, but it will flower less frequently.