depression Archives - Mask Panda unmask all news at one place Wed, 15 Mar 2023 04:27:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 depression Archives - Mask Panda 32 32 What is a Neuropsychiatric Disorder? Mon, 13 Mar 2023 14:07:09 +0000 A neuropsychiatric disorder is a mental disorder that affects an individual’s thinking, mood, and behavior, and is caused by a dysfunction in the brain. These disorders can result from various factors, including genetics, environment, lifestyle, injury, infection, or other medical conditions. Revolutionize Your Content Game With Our Savvy & Killer Content CreationA neuropsychiatric disorder is a mental disorder that affects […]

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A neuropsychiatric disorder is a mental disorder that affects an individual’s thinking, mood, and behavior, and is caused by a dysfunction in the brain. These disorders can result from various factors, including genetics, environment, lifestyle, injury, infection, or other medical conditions. Revolutionize Your Content Game With Our Savvy & Killer Content CreationA neuropsychiatric disorder is a mental disorder that affects an individual’s thinking, mood, and behavior, and is caused by a dysfunction in the brain. These disorders can result from various factors, including genetics, environment, lifestyle, injury, infection, or other medical conditions.

Types of Neuropsychiatric Disorders


Depression is a common and serious mental health disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyed. It is a complex and often misunderstood condition that can have a significant impact on an individual’s daily life, relationships, and overall well-being.

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are a group of mental illnesses characterized by excessive fear or anxiety. These disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Symptoms of anxiety disorders may include excessive worry, avoidance of certain situations, and physical symptoms such as rapid heartbeat and sweating.

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Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterized by dramatic shifts in mood, energy, and activity levels. Individuals with bipolar disorder experience periods of manic or hypomanic episodes (elevated or irritable mood, increased energy and activity) and depressive episodes (feeling sad or hopeless, lack of energy).


Symptoms of schizophrenia may include delusions, hallucinations, disordered thinking, and abnormal behavior. Schizophrenia can also cause significant problems with daily functioning and can lead to a decline in overall quality of life.


Dementia is a decline in cognitive function, including memory, language, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities, that interferes with daily life and activities. There are many different forms of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, and Lewy body dementia, among others.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

These symptoms can interfere with daily functioning and academic performance in children, and can also cause problems with relationships, employment, and daily tasks in adults.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Individuals with ASD may also have restricted interests and rigid routines. The severity of symptoms and the exact presentation of autism can vary widely among individuals.

Causes of Neuropsychiatry Disorders

Neuropsychiatric disorders are a group of mental illnesses that affect behavior, mood, and thinking. They are caused by a complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and neurobiological factors. Here, we will discuss the different causes of neuropsychiatric disorders.


Many neuropsychiatric disorders have a genetic component, which means passes down from parent to child through the genetic code. For example, studies have shown that conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder tend to run in families.

Brain chemistry:

Abnormalities in brain chemistry can lead to neuropsychiatric disorders. This can occur due to imbalances in neurotransmitters, the chemicals in the brain that transmit signals between nerve cells. For example, A shortage of the neurotransmitter serotonin causes depression.

Brain structure:

Abnormalities in brain structure, such as those seen in people with autism or schizophrenia, can also lead to neuropsychiatric disorders.

Environmental factors:

Environmental factors, such as stress, trauma, and substance abuse, can also play a role in the development of neuropsychiatric disorders. For example, exposure to stress in early life leads to an increased risk of developing anxiety and depression later in life.


Certain infections, such as meningitis and encephalitis, can cause brain damage and increase the risk of developing neuropsychiatric disorders.

Substance abuse:

Substance abuse, particularly alcohol and drug abuse, can cause changes in brain chemistry and structure, leading to neuropsychiatric disorders.

Symptoms And Treatment of Neuropsychiatry 

brain picture
Symptoms Treatment
Mood swings:
This can include feelings of sadness, irritability, anxiety, and a loss of interest in activities. People with mood disorders such as depression or bipolar disorder often experience these symptoms.

Changes in behavior: This can include sudden outbursts of anger, impulsiveness, or changes in sleeping and eating habits. People with conditions such as ADHD, anxiety disorders, and borderline personality disorder often experience these symptoms.

Cognitive symptoms: This can include problems with memory, attention, decision-making, and problem-solving. People with conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, traumatic brain injury, and schizophrenia often experience these symptoms.

Movement symptoms: This can include tremors, stiffness, unsteadiness, or problems with coordination. People with conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and multiple sclerosis often experience these symptoms.

Psychotic symptoms: This can include hallucinations, delusions, and disordered thinking. People with conditions such as schizophrenia, delusional disorder, and certain types of depression can experience these symptoms.
Antidepressants, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, and other psychopharmacological agents are commonly used to treat neuropsychiatry disorders. These drugs are designed to alter the levels of neurotransmitters (the chemical messengers in the brain) that are involved in mood regulation and other mental processes. The choice of medication will depend on the specific symptoms and type of disorder being treated.

Psychotherapy is a form of talk therapy that is used to help individuals better understand their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This approach can be particularly effective in treating neuropsychiatry disorders, as it can help patients develop coping skills, improve communication skills, and address the underlying psychological causes of their symptoms. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is one type of psychotherapy that is commonly used to treat neuropsychiatry disorders.

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT):
ECT is a treatment that uses electrical stimulation to produce a seizure in the brain. So, this procedure is often used to treat severe depression, catatonia, and other neuropsychiatry disorders when other treatments have been ineffective. ECT is typically administered in a hospital setting, under general anesthesia.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS):
TMS is a non-invasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate specific areas of the brain. This approach has been shown to be effective in treating depression, anxiety, and other neuropsychiatry disorders, particularly when medications have not been effective.

Lifestyle changes:
Making changes to one’s lifestyle can also be helpful in managing neuropsychiatry disorders. This may include regular exercise, maintaining a healthy diet, getting adequate sleep, reducing stress, and avoiding substance abuse.

Prevention of Neuropsychiatric Disorders 

Early Identification and Treatment of Mental Health Issues: while Prompt identification and treatment of mental health problems can prevent the development of more severe and persistent disorders.

Healthy Lifestyle:

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, good sleep, and stress management, can help reduce the risk of developing neuropsychiatric disorders.

Social Support:

Building strong social connections and having a supportive network can help protect against the development of mental health problems.

Avoid Substance Abuse:

Avoiding or quitting substance abuse, including alcohol and drugs, can reduce the risk of developing neuropsychiatric disorders.

Education and Awareness:

Increasing public education and awareness about mental health can help reduce stigma and improve access to care.

It’s important to note that there is no single approach to preventing neuropsychiatric disorders, and a combination of strategies is often the most effective.

Conclusion : 

A neuropsychiatric disorder is a mental health condition that causes dysfunction in the brain and nervous system. These disorders can affect various aspects of mental functioning, including mood, behavior, cognition, and perception. Examples of neuropsychiatric disorders include depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease. Treatment for neuropsychiatric disorders often involves a combination of medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes.


Q. What is a neuropsychiatric disorder?

A neuropsychiatric disorder is a mental health condition that affects the functioning of the brain and nervous system. These disorders can impact a person’s emotions, thoughts, behavior, and overall quality of life.

Q. What are the common types of neuropsychiatric disorders?

Some common neuropsychiatric disorders include depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, ADHD, and dementia.

Q. Can neuropsychiatric disorders be treated?

Yes, many neuropsychiatric disorders can be effectively treated with a combination of medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes. Early detection and intervention are key to a successful outcome.

Q. What is the difference between a neuropsychiatric disorder and a psychiatric disorder?

A neuropsychiatric disorder specifically refers to a mental health condition that affects the functioning of the brain and nervous system, while a psychiatric disorder is a general term to describe mental health conditions.

Q. Can neuropsychiatric disorders be caused by brain injury or disease?

Yes, some neuropsychiatric disorders can be caused by brain injury or disease, such as traumatic brain injury, stroke, or Parkinson’s disease.

The post What is a Neuropsychiatric Disorder? appeared first on Mask Panda.

Say NO To Medications & Drugs: Relieve Depression with Physical Therapy Fri, 15 Apr 2022 18:15:05 +0000 Physiotherapy - treat depressionDepression and high-anxiety disorders are highly prevalent nowadays. It results not only in an enormous amount of human misery and lost health, but also leads to significant impairment in the ability to undertake the activities associated with day-to-day living. Moreover, the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has built an environment where many determinants of poor mental health are exacerbated. Several […]

The post Say NO To Medications & Drugs: Relieve Depression with Physical Therapy appeared first on Mask Panda.


Depression and high-anxiety disorders are highly prevalent nowadays. It results not only in an enormous amount of human misery and lost health, but also leads to significant impairment in the ability to undertake the activities associated with day-to-day living. Moreover, the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has built an environment where many determinants of poor mental health are exacerbated. Several factors such as the restrictions on social interactions and gatherings, excessive lockdowns, closures of schools and businesses, loss of livelihood, and reduction in economic activity, have substantially affected the mental health of the population. This leads to increased depression among people and more severe cases of persistent depressive disorder among people who used to suffer from depression. 


The current treatments and dominant model of mental health care were not adequate to address this sudden surge in depression and mental health illness. These events set forth the need for a radical transformation in the paradigm and practices of mental health care. There had to be significant improvements made in the traditional standards of clinician training, research methods, and current models of mental health care delivery.

Also, the traditional methods of using antidepressant drugs were believed to be associated with adverse side effects and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, particularly in those with pre-existing cardiovascular conditions or major cardiovascular risk factors. Furthermore, various studies have proven that adherence to antidepressant medications is often not successful among patients as they tend to prematurely discontinue their antidepressant therapy. Hence, there has been an increasing interest in the role of alternative interventions for depression. 

Physical therapy has been proposed as a complementary treatment that can improve residual symptoms of depression and prevent relapse. Exercise is the best potential treatment for depression. Contrary to some beliefs, depression is not a purely psychological condition. Numerous systemic characteristics—from chemical imbalances and joint aches to chronic pain can trigger depression in people. Therefore, when medication and drugs fail, physical therapy helps people who suffer from depression in their life.

Role Of Physiotherapy in Overcoming Depression?

Most of us are already aware of the physical benefits of physiotherapy as it is leveraged for the treatment of several physical conditions, but the importance of physical therapy in mental health is lesser-known. Physiotherapy for depression has multiple advantages as it stimulates our nervous system and functions as a therapy to relieve stress. This stimulation through physical movement can discharge endorphins from the pituitary gland which helps in relaxation. Endorphins are the hormones that help to enhance our mood, avoid stress, and relieve anxiety. Regular physiotherapy and physical activities also assist in suppressing the hormone called Cortisol discovers heightened in patients suffering from depression.

Physiotherapy in Richmond Hill is an excellent alternative. It is for those patients who do not wish to consume anti-depressants owing to their harmful side effects. On the other hand, physical therapy has no side effects, and you will see the progress after a few sessions. Each exercise introduced by the physiotherapist is designed with a blend of evidence-based therapies for depression. While simultaneously incorporating features to improve the person’s physical capability.

How Physical Therapy Can Help Relieve Depression 

Increasing energy levels

Poor energy and lack of willpower to perform even everyday common tasks can be one of the causes of depression among people. Perform Energy conservation techniques with the assistance of a physical therapist to reduce muscle fatigue, joint stress, and pain. Hence, by being able to use the body efficiently and sequentially performing tasks, you can not only save energy but also overcome depression.

Work simplification and energy conservation principles will empower an individual to remain independent and will help them become less frustrated by their illness. One of the best suppressants to overcome depression is the highly energized feeling that can help you feel good both mentally and physically.

Improving the quality of sleep

Most clinical findings have proved that body pain, persistent backaches, and disability, can significantly affect sleep quality, hence leading to depression and lack of social functioning. Body pains are ongoing even if you are asleep and because of it patients usually experience sleep disorders such as poor sleep quality, regular awakenings, and shifts in sleep patterns. Moreover, emerging evidence suggests that sleep disorders may also contribute to not only depression among patients but also to the development of various neurologic conditions.

A physiotherapist will be able to continuously assess your overall sleep health and provide effective treatments for insomnia, sleep apnea, and restless legs syndrome. Physical therapists will also evaluate how the physical condition negatively impacts sleep and suggest exercises that can improve the patient’s physical condition and reduce depression.

Relaxation techniques

Physiotherapy-based relaxation techniques are therapeutic exercises to assist patients by decreasing tension and anxiety. In addition to its psychological influence, depression can also cause multiple physiological responses. For example, increased heart rate, excess sweating, breathing problems, palpitations, and muscle tension. There are several variations of relaxation strategies that can help you undertake in order to reduce and overcome depression. These physiotherapy-based relaxation techniques can help individuals to cope with their everyday depression. It also does wonders for other stress-related health problems, such as cardiovascular disease and neurological diseases.

Read More: Stress management therapy: Ayurveda stress relief

Improving concentration

The lack of concentration on work, studies, or anything else for that matter could lead to poor performance. It can eventually make you more depressed. There are several studies that indicate regular aerobic activities and physiotherapy exercises. These are capable of getting your heart and your sweat glands pumping, can enhance the size of the hippocampus. The hippocampus is the area of the brain involves in concentration, memory, and learning. 

The benefits of physiotherapy come directly from its capability to decrease insulin resistance, reduce inflammation, and stimulate the release of growth factors required for improving concentration.

Helps you gain confidence

Standing straight and not slouching while interacting with others increases confidence among people. Physiotherapy and modern-day workspace ergonomics are capable of improving your posture hence enhancing your confidence. The more confident you are in yourself the less depressed you feel which can overall improve your mental health. Physiotherapists can help you maintain proper body alignment with exercises. For example the shoulders, spine, ankles, hips, knees, and other joints that are related to posture. Therapeutic physical exercises prevent joint pain and muscle strain as well as empower you to use your muscles more efficiently. Physiotherapy and modern-day workspace ergonomics are capable of improving your posture hence enhancing your confidence. Standing straight and not slouching while interacting with others increases confidence among people. Physiotherapy and modern-day workspace ergonomics are capable of improving your posture hence enhancing your confidence. The more confident you are in yourself the less depressed you feel which can overall improve your mental health. Physiotherapists can help you maintain proper body alignment with exercises. For example the shoulders, spine, ankles, hips, knees, and other joints that are related to posture. Therapeutic physical exercises prevent joint pain and muscle strain as well as empower you to use your muscles more efficiently. 

Also Read: How to support students’ mental health during covid


As you now know, physiotherapy helps in improving your physical health and does wonders for your mental health as well. Physiotherapy in mental health care handles everything from human movement and body function to physical fitness and exercises. One of the benefits of this exercise is to have individual settings inorder to avoid group therapeutic gatherings. Additionally, it connects physical health and mental health by improving physical well-being to stay fit mentally.

Physical therapy-based exercises can help people improve common daily activity, thinking, cognition and independence; it can also increase cardiorespiratory efficiency; reduce osteoporosis, and sarcopenia; enhance the quality of life. It can help you take on more social activities and decrease social isolation, loneliness, dependency, fear, and institutionalization. In other words, it can significantly reduce the stress on mental health and empower you to overcome depression. 

The post Say NO To Medications & Drugs: Relieve Depression with Physical Therapy appeared first on Mask Panda.
